Many people dream of one day owning their own business. At least, the number of small startups in America seems to suggest as much. According to the Small Business Administration, there were over 33.2 million small businesses in the nation in 2022. Up from 32.5 million in 2021. This accounted for 99.9% of domestic businesses, employing over 61.2 million individuals. However, starting a business and successfully running that business are two completely different things. And that’s where our new continuing education eBook can help.
According to a 2022 lendingtree report, nearly 81.6% of small businesses survive for one year. Unfortunately, that number takes a dramatic dip at the five-year mark, which roughly half of all businesses meet. And a meager 34.5% of small businesses will survive for ten years or longer.
Undoubtedly, many factors can be blamed for this dismal statistic, some of which are out of the immediate control of business owners. However, many uncontrollable events can at least be anticipated and dealt with through good managerial practices. The problem is, many people who own their own businesses know very little when it comes to business management. And not just management of employees, but of resources, time, plans and a host of other factors. All of these are necessary for the long-term health of a company. Successful businesses don’t stay open by chance. They are carefully curated by competent leaders. And the first step toward long-term viability is understanding the basics of management.
That’s why VTR Learning has just released a new eBook titled Operations & Management: How to Run a Business. This self-study course covers the basic principles of management and is worth continuing education credit for members of SHRM, AICPA and APA.

Learn Management Practices with our Continuing Education eBook
If you’re familiar with VTR Learning’s online self-study courses, you already know we pride ourselves on integrating business education and narrative. That is, taking an approach that allows the learner to see business functions play out in a true-to-life fashion. However, not everyone learns well that way. And even for those who do, it isn’t always convenient to sit through videos story videos when they simply want the facts. For this reason, the continuing education eBook, Operations & Management: How to Run a Business, condenses all the educational information from our narrative course of the same name. Instead, it offers the same educational content in a clean, concise format. This way, those who have an easier time reading for continuing education credit can still have access to the same quality information.
Beginning with the foundations of management, this eBook will take you through chapters dedicated to topics including:
- Planning
- Forecasting
- Benchmarking
- Appropriately selecting and setting objectives
- Quantitative tools
- Methods for controlling a business’ forward trajectory
The skills taught are applicable to managing businesses of any scope or size and will help construct a basis for management which can be confidently built upon. In other words, anyone can take and apply the lessons of this eBook and shape them to their own organizational needs. Whether you manage a large team in a corporate environment or direct a small, one-person business venture, this course is for you.
Members of SHRM and the American Payroll Association can purchase the eBook for $139. It is worth 14 PDCs and RCHs respectively.
CPAs can take this self-study credit course for 10 CPEs. It costs $129.
Earn Credit with VTR Learning
If [eBook] Operations & Management: How to Run a Business sounds right for you, go ahead and check it out! HR Professionals can find more information on the shop page, while CPAs can look at these course details. American Payroll Association members will find information specific to their organizations on this details page.
Do you want more eBook options for self-study, continuing education credit? VTR Learning offers one for Human Resources Management. If you would rather check out our full list of narrative options, see the full course shop!
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