Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase, “There is only one way to eat an elephant, a bite at a time”. This saying, credited to Desmond Tutu, a South African theologian, carries a basic yet profound meaning. If you want to get something done, you have to take one small step at a time. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and massive projects aren’t finished in the span of an afternoon. The same goes for continuing education and license renewal. Especially when it comes to online, self-study courses, it can be overwhelming trying to cram it into a short timespan. Sometimes, it’s easiest to earn APA RCH credit not by taking one large course but several small ones. After all, it feels good to know you’ve taken concrete steps and taken at least one bite of the elephant.
So, if you’re a member of the American Payroll Association who needs APA RCH credit, try taking one bite at a time with these short courses.
4 Bite-Sized Courses for APA RCH Credit
Human Resources: Motivation & Behavior
One aspect of life that’s universal across all fields and boundaries is the topic of motivation. Whether you’re a parent trying to get a toddler to eat their vegetables or a main player in a Fortune 500 company, motivation is key. Because, in all honesty, people don’t necessarily want to do the things they should. Sometimes, it takes external forces to motivate workers to do the jobs they are responsible for. But the overall goal should be to know how to appropriately and healthily motivate employees — and keep them motivated. That’s the purpose of this course.
Motivation and Behavior focuses on key topics of productivity and organizational success, covering theories and effects of motivation. Payroll professionals who take this course will also learn how to assess employee needs. And perhaps more importantly, they will begin to see how unsatisfied needs work against the interests of the company. This course is available for $49 and is worth 2 RCHs for members of APA.
Interested in learning more about this important subject? Be sure to check out the information on the course details page.
Human Resources: Legal Compliance
It seems nearly impossible to go more than a few days without hearing about some corporate scandal or misconduct in the news. So, knowing legal requirements and regulations is important for all members of an organization, not just those working in HR or leadership roles. After all, organizations are like living bodies, composed of individual employees who help it grow and thrive. So, if some of the members are compromised, the entire body can suffer. VTR Learning’s course, Legal Compliance, can help with that.

In this APA RCH credit course, payroll professionals can explore nuances and regulations of employee diversity, including topics like:
- Harassment
- Immigration
- Labor Unions
- Behavioral Ethics
Overall, learners will become familiar with the standards expected for legal and ethical business in today’s world. This short course is worth 2.5 RCHs and costs $49 in the shop. So, if you’re needing to brush up on the legality of business, be sure to check out more information on the details page.
Human Resources: Creating a Safe Workplace
Let’s face the facts — there are many unsafe jobs in the world today. Some of them are completely necessary, and others take risks without good reason. But part of the responsibility of any company is creating a safe workplace, so far as it’s possible to do so. In Creating a Safe Workplace, payroll professionals can begin to get a better grasp on this subject. By exploring common types of workplace injuries, safety practices and legal issues, this course provides a pragmatic starting point. And sections on workers’ compensation and workplace safety administrations discuss consequences when organizations fail to meet safety standards.
This short course is worth 2.5 RCHs for members of the APA and is purchasable for $49. So, whether workplace safety is a concern for your organization or not, the course is a helpful fit for anyone looking for APA RCH credit. More information is available on the product details page.
Managerial Accounting: Financial Performance Analysis
Switching gears a bit, this course focuses in on the subject of Financial Performance Analysis and its role in Accounting departments. With this selection, learners will begin to understand why accountability and performance are essential to healthy business functions. And by exploring the importance of communication, it demonstrates the importance of giving and receiving accurate information through different departments. With an eye toward data auditing, financial planning and accounting processes, payroll professionals can dive into this important subject for free. That’s right, this course costs absolutely nothing, yet it is still worth 2 RCHs for members of APA.
So, if you’re a payroll professional looking for a good starting point for continuing education, this is the perfect option. If you want to know more, just check out the information page to learn about this free APA RCH credit course.
Still Looking for APA RCH Credit?
Speaking honestly, these four courses are a good start to earning the APA RCH credit for license renewal. But they are far from enough. The good news is VTR Learning offers a host of other courses, both short and long, for members of the APA. So, whether you’re just starting the continuing education process or looking to take that final bite, check out the full shop to find a course that fits your needs. And if you’re interested, be sure to check out the American Payroll Association’s history and purpose.
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