How to Celebrate National Payroll Week

  • Aug 30
How to Celebrate National Payroll Week

Every year, starting on Labor Day, National Payroll Week celebrates the valuable contributions of American employees and payroll professionals. It also highlights various governmental programs and agencies which the payroll system funds, recognizing a critical symbiotic partnership. Without this vital infrastructure, payroll professionals would find themselves severely limited when carrying out their tasks. And considering that these individuals collect, contribute and report nearly 70% of the U.S. Treasury’s annual revenue, their role is crucial. After all, that equates to nearly $2.4 trillion each year.

Understandably, setting aside one week annually to celebrate these partnerships only seems fitting. However, if you’re new to the profession, you might not know how to get involved with National Payroll Week. The good news is, there are plenty of ways to celebrate – from contests and events to fantastic deals on payroll courses and conferences. So, if you’re looking to get a handle on National Payroll Week, read on. We’ll help you understand what it is and where to start.

The Origin of National Payroll Week

National Payroll Week began in 1996, founded by the American Payroll Association. Essentially, the APA intended to use the event to create awareness and spread useful information about the payroll profession. And even today, the focus is still largely upon these goals. A few of the week’s primary focus areas include the payroll withholding system, community service projects, and paycheck education. Of course, some of this is geared more toward existing payroll professionals and some toward the general public. However, that only serves to highlight the important relationship between employees and those responsible for their pay.

Another import part of National Payroll Week is the Money Matters National Education Day. Particularly because this event focuses not only on existing employees but also future workers – youth. Every year, volunteers teach financial literacy basics to students in local schools, organizations, and other groups. So, the reach of National Payroll Week extends far beyond current professionals to touch future generations of employees as well.

Officially, the slogan of National Payroll Week reads, “America Works Because We’re Working for America”, which perfectly points out the importance of payroll and the core reasons for recognizing it. Programs like Medicare, social security, the military and others are directly impacted by the payroll withholding system. So, in a sense, America literally works because payroll contributes to these areas. And whether you’re a part of the profession or not, understanding how the system shapes the country is worthwhile.

How to Celebrate National Payroll Week

Of course, the most essential way for any person to become involved in National Payroll Week is to educate themselves. After all, that’s the primary reason for the event. This applies equally well to general employees and payroll professionals. Because both can benefit greatly from a better understanding of and appreciation for payroll processes. However, even though education constitutes a large part of NPW, it isn’t the sole way to celebrate.

The American Payroll Association hosts various contests where entrants can win prizes while helping promote individual APA chapters. For example, several of the 2023 contests include:

  • Chapter Promotion Contest
  • Chapter Photo Contest
  • Local Government Outreach Chapter Contest
  • Individual Activity Contest

The entry instructions for these contests range from encouraging colleagues to purchase merchandise for NPW to describing outreach strategies. So, there are many different ways both entire chapters and single individuals can get involved with the activities.

Typically, prizes include free courses from the APA, tickets to seminars, recognition in magazines and newsletters, and more. However, the outcomes vary by contest and placement.

Other notable ways to celebrate National Payroll Week include sponsorship, promotion, and hosting meetings. However, there are also far simpler routes. Companies can decorate their office, offer encouragement to their payroll employees, and thank them for their valuable contributions. Ultimately, how you choose to participate in NPW is up to you – and it might differ between employees and payroll specialists. But because the event is equally beneficial to all kinds of people in the workforce, celebrating is worthwhile.

How VTR Learning Contributes

For several years, VTR Learning has participated in National Payroll Week by offering course discounts for members of the APA. However, our sales go on long after National Payroll Week’s end, so we’ve decided it’s time for a new name.

We’re excited to introduce our annual Payroll Palooza – a month-long celebration of payroll professionals and their important contributions. Throughout September, we’ll discount courses for organizations we serve, with several flash sales intermittently. So, if you’re a member of the American Payroll Association, make sure to pay attention. Opting in for our Payroll Palooza email series will help you know when they’re happening.

Payroll Palooza logo from VTR Learning, in celebration of National Payroll Week

VTR Learning is committed to providing a unique learning experience for American Payroll Association members through business simulation courses. These online learning options help payroll professionals understand how certain events might play out in real life settings.

Payroll is an absolutely vital piece of the business professional landscape in America. And National Payroll Week is one of the best ways to learn about payroll history and the purpose of the practice. So, whether you’re a payroll specialist or one of the employees who relies on them, jump into celebrations for National Payroll Week.

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