4 Medicare Training Courses for Benefits Specialists

  • Oct 7
4 Medicare Training Courses for Benefits Specialists

Part of an organizational benefits specialist’s role is understanding the complexities of Medicare. More specifically, how the program interacts with company-provided health insurance options. Primarily, this helps members of the workforce nearing retirement age or past it and still employed. However, this information is not always readily apparent, especially when given the complexities of Medicare. Particularly when it comes to understanding which aspects of healthcare the program will cover and which it will not.

Consequently, it’s important for benefits specialists to keep up with trends in healthcare. And this includes Medicare updates and policies, so as to offer their employees the most accurate and helpful information possible. Fortunately, there are multiple organizations which provide this sort Medicare training. And some of this can also help members SHRM and HRCI earn continuing education credits.

Get Medicare Training for Your Team Today. Here’s How.

VTR Learning: Online Medicare Training Courses

Early in 2020, VTR Learning partnered with one of the largest nonprofit providers of Medicare training and education. The Medicare Rights Center has over thirty years’ experience in healthcare counseling and educational expertise. And through this partnership, VTR Learning is providing four Medicare education courses as part of a full suite. These courses take individuals who have no Medicare knowledge through the basics before building a comprehensive understanding of the topic. Because these courses are accredited by major organizations, members of SHRM, HRCI, and the AICPA can earn continuing education credit. This win-win situation allows professionals to obtain the Medicare education they need to adequately answer beneficiary questions. But simultaneously achieves a portion of their continuing education goals.

What You’ll Learn:

Each course is available as a standalone instance. But for an in-depth look at Medicare issues, individuals should complete them in the listed order. Especially for learners who are new to the topic and have little to no baseline understanding.

How to Enroll

Finding the courses in VTR Learning’s shop is easy. Individuals can simply click on the links above to find more information on the individual course pages. Or to view all of the featured Medicare courses in the shop, this link can be followed. In order to take the course, individuals will need to create an account. Then add the course to their cart, check out and start learning! But for a full walkthrough of the process, you can read more about how it works!

Medicare Rights Center

The same courses offered by VTR Learning are also available from The Medicare Rights Center. Though they do not carry the same accreditation for business professionals who are members of organizations like SHRM and HRCI. However, MRC offers a wealth of information past the MI Pro curriculum. And this all supplements existing knowledge of Medicare issues. Here, any complex, situation-specific questions could also be answered. So, again, keep in mind that the organization boasts over thirty years of experience dealing with Medicare and healthcare coverage issues. Arguably, it is a perfect resource for benefits specialists looking to gain further insight into a difficult topic.

What You’ll Learn

The Medicare Rights Center offers the same content offered by VTR Learning. However, instead of four packaged courses, the lessons compose four levels of seventeen different topics. The levels are similar to the VTR Learning course suite:

  • Medicare Basics
  • Options & Coverage Rules
  • Appeals and Penalties
  • Other Insurance and Assistance Programs

The Medicare Rights Center also offers a one-year subscription to four special topic courses, including:

  • End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)
  • Coverage of Durable Medical Equipment (DME)
  • Fall Open Enrollment
  • Assistance Programs in New York

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is a governmental entity. And as part of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), it is directly responsible for administering the Medicare program. But part of the CMS’ responsibility also includes training and providing educational resources. So, helpful information on the topic is accessible through The Medicare Learning Network. This online platform offers training in the form of:

  • Publications
  • Multimedia
  • Webcasts
  • Web-Based Resources

Individuals can also find updated news on Medicare through this learning platform. As well as associated continuing education credit for over thirty professional licensing organizations.

What You’ll Learn:

The CMS offers various calls and webcasts through The Medicare Learning Network. The range of topics included in these events is wide, but a few examples are:

  • Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program: New Covered Services
  • Qualified Medicare Beneficiary Program Billing Requirements
  • Opioid Treatment Programs: Enrolling in Medicare
  • Medicare Part A Cost Report: New Online Status Tracking Features

As seen from the listed events, a working knowledge of Medicare is generally advisable for learners at these events. Especially since each instance seems to home in on a particular topic intrinsic to the program. Consequently, business professionals not already familiar with the complexities of Medicare may benefit from first taking the MI Pro courses. And then, diving into the more drilled-down topics presented by the CMS.

Call to action for Medicare training courses through VTR Learning

Start Your Medicare Training Today

Benefits specialists looking for Medicare training can visit VTR Learning’s shop to find the full suite of MI Pro courses. Starting with Medicare Basics and moving through to provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic. And all in the interest of giving members of the workforce accurate and helpful information. After all, accurate and helpful Medicare information can be the difference that saves a life.

Article written by Braden Norwood

Last updated August 21, 2024