[eBook] Operations & Management: How to Run a Business (APA)

Estimated Time: 4 hours


Earn 70 Points for Completing

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As a payroll professional, you might not be interested in running a business, but the skills needed to succeed in management are applicable to team leaders at any level of the organization. And even if you’re managing a team of one, understanding how to effectively form and execute plans is an essential professional skill. This eBook condenses the educational content from the larger, story-based course of the same name and offers it in an easy-to-read format. So, if you want to learn the basic principles of management and team leadership in a concise, efficient manner, this is the option for you. Course Type: eBook. Worth 14 RCHs (APA).


14 RCHs
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Learning Objectives

  • State the foundations of the management profession
  • Plan, forecast, benchmark, and set objectives
  • Effectively program, schedule and organize for results
  • Explain various quantitative methods and how they can help control and lead the organization

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APA: VTR is an Approved Provider for the APA. This program meets the requirements for fulfilling the continuing education requirements to earn or maintain the FPC and CPP credentials. This program may be applied for 14 RCHs toward your certification renewal.