Cultivate Your Garden One Act at a Time

  • Jan 15
Cultivate Your Garden One Act at a Time

Cultivate Your Garden to Change the World

You’ve more than likely heard someone say it before: “This will change the world.” Chances are, you’ve said it, or at least thought it, yourself. Perhaps it was about something you’d stumbled upon – another person’s idea or product. Then again, it might have been your own idea, your own product. Maybe you’ve even thought it about yourself. This tends to happen when we’re younger, idealistic. Before the world gets to us and shows us how it really works. The sad truth is, most things that could change the world never will, at least not in any significant way. Contrast that with the idea to “cultivate your garden”. In other words, tend to the things within your control and let the rest go. The latter doesn’t always appear as important, but it can make a world of difference.

In some small way, each person does change the world in their own fashion. But the delusions of grandeur people have of changing the world on a massive scale are often just that – delusions. With over seven billion people in the world, the chances of any single individual having widespread impact are minuscule. The almost-fairy-tale concept we preach to children, that they can be and do anything they want is, unfortunately, a simplification of reality. Perhaps that sentiment comes across a bit too harshly. But the truth is, people cannot do all things. They cannot be all things.

So, what does this mean? Do we all give up and stop trying to make the world a better place? Absolutely not. Why? Because even if your life only makes a small impact in the grand scope of world affairs, it has the potential to make a massive impact on a smaller, personal scale.

Something Simpler, Something Beautiful

Beautiful flowers growing, showing what happens when you cultivate your garden

Voltaire, an 18th century playwright and social critic, espoused a similar concept in his work, Candide, where the titular character determines to “cultivate his own garden”. In other words, to mind his own business rather than trying to solve the problems and alleviate the evils of the world.

Ever since the the idea to “cultivate your garden” was introduced during a required western civilization course, the idea has stuck with me, growing and spreading its roots further into my mind. It’s easy to give in to despair since we often can’t act to change the world for the better. But in doing so, we forget that we can change our lives for the better. We can live peacefully with our neighbors, work well, teach our ideals, and produce something good that lives on after us.

Enter again the concept of legacy, first spoken of in my previous blog. Leaving a legacy is far more complex than being recognized by millions of people after you’re gone, but at the same time, it’s far simpler. Shaping a lasting legacy extends from our thoughts, our ideas, our lifestyles. Legacy need not even be attached to your name. If, in a hundred years, my descendants have inherited a lifestyle of peaceful living and love toward neighbor, but don’t my name, I’ll have considered the legacy I sought to leave accomplished.

But of course, I do hope my descendants know who I am. As noted before, the hobbies I enjoy are mainly creative, aimed at producing something which can last long after I’m gone, hopefully in order to give my progeny a better understanding of who I was.

Are you enjoying this contemplation series? Consider reading the next blog on the benefits of hobbies.

Article written by Braden Norwood

Last updated March 10, 2023