Everywhere you look, you see examples of programming, even if you don’t know it. Of course, you might think of coding when you look at things like computers. However, countless other devices and societal functions require programming in order to function correctly. Vehicles, traffic lights, cell phones, smart watches, and other everyday devices prove the point. But in some ways, this world remains inaccessible to the general public, largely because they don’t recognize key programming terms.
In essence, when you speak to a developer, you might find yourself completely turned around if you don’t understand the language. Even common words that you recognize might mean something entirely different in programming terms.
So, whether you need to discuss a tech problem at work, communicate more efficiently with developers, or want to get into programming yourself, you need to learn the language. That’s why we’ve put together this short guide.
Important Programming Terms You Should Memorize
1. Active Record
Often used in data-driven applications, active record allows programmers and developers to write information to and from a database.
2. Agile Development
Agile is a widely-used methodology that helps programmers and teams collaborate more effectively toward goals. This process involves breaking projects into different phases called sprints. Often, the cross-functionality of this methodology involves the customer or end-user. This helps simplify the process and ensure an optimal solution.
3. Algorithm
An algorithm represents a set of specific steps and instructions a computer follows to address or solve an issue. These guidelines work across various systems, apps, and functions, exemplified by use cases such as:
- Facial recognition software
- Scheduling
- Traffic light timing
- Search engine results
Of course, these four instances represent only the most miniscule applications for algorithms, making this one of the most common and useful programming terms to know.
4. API (Application Programming Interface)
In layman’s terms, an API allows two software components to communicate with each other, even across different applications. One of the most common examples of API function, is logging into one account by utilizing another. For instance, logging into a mobile app using your Google account or Facebook profile. The connecting piece allowing this process to occur is the API that helps authenticate the login.
5. Argument
Essentially, in programming terms, an argument provides further information to a function by customizing the behavior of code.
6. Array
Arrays are containers which hold variables, grouping together similar variables. In order to understand how they function, imagine something like a storage system, where you separate data into different rows and columns. This might be similar to a store, where groups of similar items organize in the same space. You would find different brands of tooth paste together, not on different aisles.
7. Artificial Intelligence
The term given to different applications designed to run with little or no human interference. Often, these process might have specific applications designed to help them learn or understand intentionality of humans. For example, search engines have implemented AI components to help gather information from across the web that meets the search intent of users. This process of “machine learning” happens automatically to shape search results.
Specifically for programmers, AI might help with processes including code review, syntax, and maintenance.
8. Back End
The back end refers to the part of an application, site, or software that the user cannot view or access. For example, the back end of an application contains code and language which non-developers lack the ability to write and manipulate. Thus, it primarily composes the domain of programmers.
9. Binary Numbers
Binary numbers are the “language” of computers, as it were. Devices process millions of 0s and 1s every second, where different rules interpret them as numbers, letters, and other inputs. In fact, binary numbers represent things such as sound, images, and other features as well. These numbers represent both “on” and “off” states, perfect for circuit systems utilized in computers and other devices.
In more depth, a binary number consists of eight “bits”, known as a byte.
10. Block Coding
This form of programming represents a method of coding where a developer aligns various preconfigured blocks of code together. This stands as an alternative to other formats where they type out text-based code, offering a more visual mode of programming. As such, new developers often benefit from using this way of coding, since it can help form basic concepts to build upon.
11. Branch
In programming terms, a branch represents a new version of a main repository, which includes all the elements of the original at the time of duplication. For example, at VTR Learning, we sometimes use “branched” courses, where we create an exact replica of one course under a different identification number. This allows us to make changes to the duplicate version without affecting the first.
In programming, there are many reasons and applications for branching, chiefly for teams working on a larger project. For instance, one individual can work on a branched version of an application without affecting the efforts of other team members. Then, at the right time, the branched edits can be implemented back into the main version.
12. Bug
Generally speaking, a “bug” is the term utilized by developers to refer to different flaws in a system that leads to malfunction. This can be anywhere from a minor, inconveniencing aesthetic mishap to a critical failure that cripples an application. So, the term carries a wide and varied meaning.
13. Build
Depending on the context, build might refer to one of at least two aspects of development. First, it means the step of the development process where code is created to achieve the goal of the project and end users. However, it could additionally refer to a specific version of the product (i.e., the current build versus an upcoming build). This programming term can encapsulate all the functions and features of a feature or function, designating it at a certain point in time.
14. Cache
Caching data refers to the temporary storing of data to help with faster load times on various applications. For example, some sites utilize caching for images, where only the initial user during the caching period needs to load it. Afterward, users have access to the cached version of the image and receive results almost instantly. Of course, this form of data storage works for more than images, even for full pages on a site.
Caching data also leads to reduced data usage, lower network traffic, less server load and a host of other benefits.
15. Cloud
Clouds are remote storage options where individuals and companies can opt to store files. This clears up space on individual machines, like personal computers and other devices. Instead, the data remains secure in virtual-locations and remain accessible to anyone with the right credentials. Some examples of cloud-based storage include Google Drive and Dropbox.
16. Coding
Simply put, coding refers to the process of writing instructions for computers to follow. Coding uses different languages depending on the application, so not all programming utilizes the same framework.
17. Command
Whenever a user gives a command, they’re asking a computer to perform a specific action. This might range from clicking an application on the desktop to downloading a file. Any time you perform an action expecting to get a result, you’re inputting a command.
18. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
CSS is utilized within the HTML framework to add specific styles to webpages, such as color, fonts, and other aesthetic aspects.
19. Data
Any type of information stored on computers is typically referred to as data. Computers typically process various forms of data to produce information to the user, such as facts, measurements, words, and descriptions.
20. Database
A database is a larger platform used to store data in organized, structured formats. This makes the data easier to access and manage.
21. Deployment
Deployment refers to the point in the development process where the programmers make software available for use. For example, if a company was building a mobile app, the point where the app became usable would represent the deployment.
22. DNS (Domain Name System)
DNS translates various web domain names into IP addresses, making it easier for searchers to find and utilize webpages. This allows browsers to understand “human speech” as it were and read it as functional information. For example, instead of using an IP address to go to a website, we input www.myexamplesite.com. DNS reads this as a numerical IP address and connects us to the desired destination.
23.Else Statements
In programming terms, developers use else statements in the code to tell programs and software to do something else when the “if” statement isn’t true.
24. Framework
Various preset templates which help developers accomplish tasks faster than writing out code for every step or project constitute frameworks. However, it might also refer to the collection of various tools that assist developers when completing a project.
25. Front End
Opposite the back end of an application, site or program, the front end refers to the side that users access and see. Typically, front-end development focuses on aspects like graphic design, layout, formatting, and other UX aspects.
26. Full Stack
The full stack is the combination of all development aspects across both front and back ends. Thus, a full stack developer handles projects that are both server and client oriented.
27. Function
Functions are collections of instructions that carry out specific tasks when executed. This might refer to a block of code referenceable by name, so that whenever programmers need, they can utilize that same set of instructions over again.
28. Git
Git is a system that tracks changes to various files, particularly whenever it comes to the development process. This allows programmers to track the various changes they’ve implemented and know how to roll back to specific versions of files if necessary. Git is both free and opensource, making it an essential tool for developers.
29. HTML
One of the primary languages used for programming and coding, HTML structures and displays content for webpages. Hypertext Markup Language utilizes various tags to identify elements, and utilizes standard words rather than core developer syntax. This makes it an easily accessible language for beginners looking to learn the basics of webpage programming.
30. HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
HTTP allows the transfer of information between devices on a network using a set of rules which allow for communication between web clients and servers. A more secure and commonly preferred version of HTTP is HTTPS, which establishes an encryption to connect a browser and server.
31. IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
Software that allows developers to better write, test and build code more efficiently. Typically, they consolidate the different aspects programmers use whenever building software or other applications. This allows them to do so faster, within a single interface.
32. Input
Any form of information which goes into a computer is referred to as an input. For example, typing on a keyboard or clicking with a mouse. How the computer interprets this information, depending on the application, is the output. For example, in a word processor, typing on the keyboard results in a visual display of letters. However, in a video game, the same inputs might instead cause the character to run forward or perform an action.
33. Java
Another programming language, Java is utilized by developers as a primary multi-platform tool. Examples of applications and sites using Java include Spotify, Netflix, NASA, and Amazon.
34. JavaScript
Programmers utilize JavaScript in order to add a level of interactivity to various webpages. In fact, 99% of webpages utilize JavaScript to some degree. The user friendliness of the language lends itself to beginning developers looking to get into programming.
35. Linux
Linux is an operating system designed to function on a variety of devices. And because it’s open-source, it represents a popular alternative to other proprietary OS options from companies like Apple and Microsoft.
36. Local Environment
The local environment is where programmers and developers test applications and software before releasing it to other servers. This allows them to run changes as necessary without interrupting a “live” version of that software. For example, when updating a site, it allows them to make sure everything is in place before pushing those changes live. This might also be referred to as the “test environment”.
37. Loop
Simply put, loops run a code block after a condition is checked, and continue doing so repeatedly until meeting a specified condition.
38. Machine Learning
Similarly to artificial intelligence, machine learning allows devices to operate without strict human oversight or instruction. Through input of information, this process allows computers to come to their own conclusions or discoveries.
39. Meta Tag
A meta tag is a piece of information used by browsers or search engines rather than clients or users. For example, whenever page creators set headings, they typically use H1, H2 and H3 meta tags to note the importance of sections. Main page titles utilize H1 tags, while less important headings use others. In fact, the heading for this section just above utilizes an H3 meta tag. That tells search engines the topic and relative importance of the information, which allows it to better categorize it for search intent.
40. Null
Null simply indicates an empty or unknown value. It lacks visual representation, but denotes the absence of data.
41. Operating System
The operating system is a software that supports every basic function of a computer or device. The most common operating systems are Windows and macOS, however other options include Linux, iOS, Android, and many others.
42. Open-Source Software Development
Software development that happens across a community of programmers who have free access and rights to code. That way, individuals can use, modify and redistribute their changes to the software without worrying over proprietary rights or repercussion.
43. Pair Programming
In most instances, pair programming happens when two developers utilize a single computer or device to design software. This often occurs whenever a new or junior developer works with a more experienced or established professional.
44. PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor)
PHP is another open-source programming language utilized by developers around the world. As an embedded element in HTML, it gives programmers the ability to develop dynamic content.
45. Programming
Similar to coding, programming is the process of designing specific sets of instructions that computers then follow. However, while coding represents a specific aspect or task, programming depicts the larger enterprise.
46. Python
Another programming language, developers use Python for many different applications, such as web use and game design. Because the language is open-source, different programmers can contribute to it, in hopes that it will eventually be clearly readable and accessible.
47. Repository
A repository is best understood as a central folder or place where a developer stores every file related to a project. This might include code, revisions and documentation, as well as other essential digital files. That way, if necessary, they can access any relevant data or information.
48. Script
Scripts represent written sets of steps developers intend a computer to follow when creating code. Scripts process in a strict order by moving line-by-line, from top to bottom.
49. Server
Servers host websites and data online, providing resources to other computers over a network. These are often offsite machine hardware, though virtual server software exists and is used as well.
50. Source Code
Source code is the human-readable text that becomes software once a compiler translates it into executable machine code.
51. Sprint
Under the Agile methodology for project management, a sprint is a short, predetermined amount of time dedicated to specific tasks and goals. Each team determines the amount of time under this framework, however, they typically last one to four weeks. Sprints occur consecutively, with one beginning immediately after the previous ends. At the end of a sprint, the team identifies areas for improvement in a retrospective meeting to help make the next cycle more efficient and productive.
52. Stack
A technology stack for programmers is a bundle of different technologies, tools, and frameworks that work together to perform a developmental function. These collections typically include the necessary pieces to build and maintain software.
53. Terminal
A computer terminal allows programmers to enter commands, as well as other executable actions, in a text-based interface. In other words, it allows developers to give commands to the computer.
54. Testing
Testing is the process where developers check and determine whether software is running as intended without bugs or errors. Typically, this includes both internal and external review – phases only open to the team and others where end-users participate.
55. Training
During machine learning, training refers to the process of feeding large amounts of data to an algorithm in order to help it adapt and grow.
56. UI (User Interface)
The user interface includes the general and specific ways that an individual interacts with software, applications, or other developed products. Ultimately, the goal for UI is to ensure the elements (screens, keyboards, icons, layout, etc.) work together to provide a positive user experience.
57. URL (Universal Resource Locator)
Universal Resource Locator is the link that directs a person to a specific website. Each unique page carries an individual URL that typically has a root domain. For example, www.vtrpro.com would take you to our home page. However, www.vtrpro.com/shop leads to our shop, even though it has the same root domain.
58. UX (User Experience)
UX typically looks at the sort of user a site or application pertains to and then builds the elements around the optimal experience for that demographic. This includes the layout, navigational elements, and other aspects important to ensuring ideal functioning and accessibility.
59. Variable
Among programming terms, variables represent named containers storing a changeable value. In simpler terms, a named storage space for sets of data.
60. Version Control
Specifically, version control implies a type of software that helps track every change or modification made to a code. However, on a wider scale, it refers generally to practices intended to control any type of computer file.
61. Whiteboarding
Whiteboarding is a visual technique that requires collaboratively mapping out ideas in a space accessible to members of the same team. For example, using a whiteboard to post sticky notes and draw correlations between different aspects of a project. That way, each member has a visual reminder of project or sprint specifics.
62. Wireframe
The initial concepts of webpage structure are called the wireframe. This need not even be digital at all, but can be written down on physical notes before virtual adaptation.
63. XML (Extensible Markup Language)
Like HTML, XML is a markup language developers utilize for storing, transmitting, and restructuring various types of data.
Why Bother with Programming Terms?
If you’ve read through this list, you’ve probably realized a few things:
- Effectively understanding developers means speaking their language. If you don’t, then your projects with them might become bogged down with miscommunication. So, becoming familiar with programming terms is essential to efficiency.
- This list of terms certainly isn’t exhaustive. There are hundreds of other important technical programming terms that are useful for discussing projects and other elements of development.
- Sometimes, the terms themselves aren’t clear. They can confuse you and seem unintelligible to those without training.
But in all of this, remember – the more you wade into the field, the more you’ll understand. You might not get everything at first, especially if you’re only trying to communicate well with developers. However, give it time, review the important programming terms, and start learning to speak the language.
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