Medicare: Appeals & Penalties (CPA)

Estimated Time: 5 hours


Earn 40 Points for Completing

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UDPATED 2025: A third-tier course in the Medicare suite, Appeals & Penalties assumes the learner has a baseline understanding of the different aspects of Medicare, offering a more robust discussion of how beneficiaries can appeal denials of coverage. This important knowledge is indispensable for anyone enrolled in the program, as it can mean the difference between massive out-of-pocket healthcare costs and minor fees. Course Type: Interactive. Worth 7.5 Technical CPE Credits (CPA/NASBA).


7.5 CPE Credits
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Learning Objectives

  • Identify when a beneficiary may start an Original Medicare appeal
  • Explain the difference between Original Medicare standard and expedited appeals
  • Navigate expedited appeals for ending hospital care and ending non-hospital care
  • Understand the steps in the different Original Medicare appeal processes
  • Identify when a beneficiary may start a Medicare Advantage appeal
  • Explain the difference between Medicare Advantage standard and expedited appeals
  • Navigate expedited appeals for ending hospital care and ending non-hospital care
  • Understand the steps in different Medicare Advantage appeal processes
  • Identify when a beneficiary may start a Part D appeal
  • Explain the difference between Part D standard and expedited appeals
  • Understand the steps in the Part D appeal process
  • Explain Medicare late enrollment penalties
  • Identify situations when a beneficiary would incur a late enrollment penalty
  • Understand how beneficiaries can avoid and eliminate late enrollment penalties
  • Talk about Income-Related Monthly Adjustment Amounts, or IRMAA

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Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge - Prerequisites & Advanced Preparation: None - CPE Credit Type: Technical - Delivery Method: QAS Self Study - For more information regarding administrative policies such as complaint and refund, please contact our Customer Success team at or visit our Help webpage.

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CPA: VTR is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: This program is valid for 7.5 CPEs.