Most people who have any amount of work experience can tell you about the worst manager they’ve had. After all, whether in the food industry, retail, or some Fortune 500 company, there always seem to be individuals in positions of leadership who shouldn’t be. When faced with inept or even abusive leadership, it’s easy to think, I could do it better than this! But thinking and doing are two completely different things. Willingness to lead doesn’t make an individual a good fit for management, especially if their reasons are selfish. Because in the end, good leaders are those who also know how to follow. In other words, they’ve been in the trenches and can identify with those under their charge. When it comes to helping individuals acquire skills and knowledge, VTR Learning offers multiple leadership courses to start with.

Did we mention that these leadership courses can be taken for continuing education credit? Well, they can. So, if you’re a licensed business professional hoping to snag a few credit hours for your recertification, look no further.
Leadership Courses for Continuing Education Credit
Characteristics of Effective Leadership
The most in-depth of VTR Learning’s leadership courses, Characteristics of Effective Leadership is a perfect option for anyone looking for comprehensive training on the subject. Following a fictional CEO, Robert Powers, learners will get a first-hand look at various issues facing top-tier managers and leaders. This course begins with a focus on the foundations of leadership and ends with a look at the heart of the practice. Learners can expect to encounter important topics including:
- Credibility in leadership
- The Four Dimensions of Leadership
- Modeling and its effects
- Planning for the future
- Enlisting others
Through a combination of classic and modern insights, individuals will understand what effective leadership looks like on personal, interpersonal and institutional levels. Characteristics of Effective Leadership is an accredited course for members of SHRM, HRCI, AICPA and ASAE. Depending on organizational affiliation, it costs between $129 and $199, and is worth between 8.5 and 21.5 credits.
Interested in learning more about VTR Learning’s primary leadership course? Members of SHRM, HRCI and ASAE can look at these course details.
CPAs should look at this course information.
Shadow a CEO
Sometimes, the best way to learn is simply by observing. So, for those who want to gain insight from Robert Powers’ leadership journey on a fast-track, Shadow a CEO is the right fit. A brief collection of video diaries, executive meetings and readings make up the bulk of this leadership course. Overall, learners should become familiar with various lines of leadership thought, particularly legal and interpersonal issues. And since unexpected complications are a staple of management, this course will help individuals learn to cope with the setbacks.
Shadow a CEO is available only for members of SHRM. It costs $49 and can be completed for 3 PDCs.
For more information on this interesting leadership course, check out the details page.
Ethical & Credible Leadership
If leadership is defined by the ability to inspire others to follow you, then even the worst of people can become leaders. But what makes someone a great leader is the ability to inspire others to do things that are right and good. In this sense, leadership is more complex than it may seem on the surface. Ethical & Credible Leadership focuses on teaching individuals a more nuanced understanding of the subject. And ultimately, the aim is to provide a basis for handling morally-tense situations. After all, ethical leadership is necessary for a healthy, thriving organizational culture. A few of the important topics in this course include leadership virtues, credibility, and ethically-conscious decision making.

Ethical & Credible Leadership is available for members of SHRM only. It is worth 2 PDCs and costs $49.
If this course could help you in your personal leadership journey, be sure to read more about the details.
Setbacks & Conflict Resolution
When it comes to plans and visions for the future, one thing is almost certain. Things will not always work out the way you might expect them to. Setbacks can happen at any time, for nearly any reason. Beyond that, the human element must be accounted for. Conflict between employees, or even between employees and their managers, are commonplace. And since it’s up to team leaders to manage setbacks and interpersonal conflict, they should know how to handle tense situations. In Setbacks & Conflict Resolution, individuals will learn to effectively manage organizational change. They will discover ways of anticipating risk and how to foster healthy collaboration between employees.
Again, this course is available only for members of SHRM. It is worth 2 PDCs and costs $49.
If managing setbacks and conflict is something you need to know more about, check out more information on this leadership course.
Checking the Pulse
We don’t want to give away the secret of this course too soon, but we’ll let you in on some helpful information. When it comes to good leadership, the heart is just like the physical organ. If a leader is passionate, focused and committed, their heart will be healthy. But if they are disassociated, harsh and arrogant, their heart will be unhealthy. Checking the Pulse is a leadership course that teaches individuals how to care for the heart of leadership. Topics in this course include the importance of values for effective leadership and how to appropriately celebrate individual contribution. However, learners will also determine the power of expectation and encouragement.
Members of SHRM can complete this $49 course for 2 PDCs.
Does knowing how to understand the heart of leadership sound like the knowledge you’re missing? Then check out more details on this course.
Learn with These Other Leadership Courses
Sometimes, learning to lead well is more about understanding the skills and knowledge that are important to your specific job or department. If that’s the case for you, you’re in luck! VTR Learning has other courses for business professionals that cover topics like Accounting, Human Resources, Global Business, and Business Strategy. In fact, we even have different eBooks for those who learn best by reading. So, if you’re looking for continuing education opportunities that will help sharpen your professional skills, check out our full catalog.
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