CPA Classes Online [490+ Self-Study Credits]

  • Feb 3
CPA Classes Online [490+ Self-Study Credits]

Taking CPA classes online is one of the simplest and most cost-effect solutions for earning CPE. And with VTR Learning, this continuing education method allows individuals to curate a specific set of courses tailored to their exact needs. Moreover, every course in the catalog offers a fully self-paced and on-demand experience. That way, you get exactly what you need, when you need it.

Read more about our program below, so you can decide whether our NASBA-approved, online CPA classes are right for you.

VTR Learning – CPA Classes Online

At the core of VTR Learning, our aim is to streamline continuing education while keeping it worthwhile and interesting. In that regard, we offer a wide variety of topics, from leadership and cybersecurity training to pinpoint focused accounting and tax-related guidance.

This array of material allows you to take the exact training you want and need. And our pay-as-you-go model means you never spend more than necessary for the credits you earn.

After purchase of any course, you have exactly one year to complete it. Furthermore, because the classes bookmark after every section, you have complete control of how take them. So, if you want to sit down for hours at a time, that’s just as possible as a few minutes here and there in your daily schedule.

The main point – it’s up to you to decide the best way to handle your continuing education.

Types of Online CPA Classes

We recognize that some people have a difficult time learning the way others do. So, to help tailor our content to your needs, we offer several types of course formats.*

  • Business Simulation – This completely proprietary format casts you as an intern for a fictional company, where you learn business by doing business. You’ll watch it play out in true-to-life settings while interacting with characters in a narrative environment.
  • eBook – Our wide selection of eBook topics cover in-depth accounting and tax-related subjects. This way, you can download a readable document and complete your continuing education on-the-go.
  • Interactive – Primarily made up of our partnered MI Pro Courses, this Medicare-centric education helps you stay up-to-date on important topics in healthcare. Utilizing a SCORM format, it provides a more interactive element to the learning experience.
  • Video – Traditional video courses offer lecture-style formats for individuals who focus better by watching and listening. Void of the interactive and simulative elements in other courses, this streamlined course type is perfect for anyone needing to dig into the meat as quickly as possible.

* Note that different courses fall into different predetermined categories. You cannot choose a course and then decide the format.


We offer a one-off purchase model, where you can pay for each course individually. That way, you spend only what you need to without overpaying for courses you’ll never take.

Because each course varies in the amount of CPE credit, the prices also differ quite a bit. Currently, we offer courses anywhere from $29 to $234, covering a range of credits from 1 to 29 CPEs.

Try VTR Learning for Free

Of course, we wouldn’t want to ask you to trust our proprietary business simulation courses without having the opportunity to try one out first. So, we offer a free online CPA class covering Financial Performance Analysis worth 2 CPEs.

All you have to do is register for a free account and then add that course here.

If you decide that course style isn’t for you, not to worry. Check out our full course catalog to determine the right fit.